Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Post 4: Oh 3rd Grade Recital...

I'd like to clarify, I don't sing. I just don't. So I thought it would be worth mentioning that I did not audition as a singer under Panda Entertainment. It's not so much that I can't sing, just that I refuse to. I mean, every time I do, well it just ends bad. This is due to the fact that when I was in the 3rd grade, I got picked for the solo for our choir's concert. Every year Mrs. Meghony picks one special kid to get the special solo. I didn't want to audition but I got picked anyway. I'd like to make a note that I was fine FINE! during the practices, but the night of the concert, as soon as I started to sing, my pepperoni pizza decided it didn't want to be excluded from the spotlight and made a reappearance. Yup, right onto my gleaming white angel robe. I never sang again. I don't know why, but I always just associated it with singing... I was wrong, apparently I have this thing called stage fright.... I found that out at the Panda Entertainment audition.... yeah.... they still haven't called and its been a week. I'm afraid that stage fright and acting do not go together, but I'm mostly afraid that "they", the judges for my audition, don't think so either. Wish me luck!


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